Spiritual Healing:
Open channel for the Divine Healing energy to flow to where it is most needed and awakening a healing for the body, mind and spirit.
- aids the body to release stress, tension and body pain.
- alleviates anxiety and depression.
- aligns the chakras and energizes and balances the body to have more energy, find clarity and peace.
Intuitive Healing, Mediumship, Life path sessions are truly a unique sacred experience, promoting spiritual, physical and emotional well being.
Through messages and evidential validations from past memories to all that is in the here and now, your loved ones in Spirit bring peace love and healing.
Distance and in person sessions.
Intuitively a crystal grid is prepared for your healing session.
For distance healing find a quiet place to relax. Stepping forward to the healing table,
Joanne is an open channel for Divine Healing energy to flow.
Distance Mediumship, Intuitive Life Path, Oracle card reading sessions are via phone and video conference.
Divine Breathtm - Crystalline Cellular Healing - a transformational healing on a deep cellular level releasing heavy energy. In the highest vibrational frequency, awaken the light within. Promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. Receive 2 energetic crystal gifts with each healing. 55 minute sessions
Please note: To provide an awakening healing experience through the close blending of Spirit. No recordings of any kind permitted.